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Deep Dive into Nature and Self – a four week guided solo journey: 20th September – 13th October

20 septembre 2021 @ 19:00 - 13 octobre 2021 @ 21:30

We invite you to a guided journey, diving deeply into Nature and Self.
We invite you to the ancient practice of time spent alone on the land. 
We welcome you to your own deep knowing and belonging.
We invite you back and beyond to what it means to be a true human being.

For centuries, across many different cultures and regions worldwide, humans have spent time alone in nature. This simple and ancient practice reconnects us deeply to self and to the living world around. Sometimes also experienced as a Rite of Passage,or a Vision Quest, spending time alone in nature connects us deeply to knowledge beyond our own. For whatever intention it may want to be lived, this practice has not lost the gifts it holds for humanity and nature alike. To dwell on the land alone in reverence is a beautiful remembering of our profound humanness.

We believe in the healing properties of place, of nature, and the power of our individual relationships to both. This relationship has become ever more vital over the last months, and will be, for those that are yet to come.
What can our relationship to our place reveal to us, what messages does the land around us hold for us? Which layers of our beings want to be shed? Which new ways want to emerge in our lives? What does the land have to communicate with us that has laid dormant in our psyches and that we cannot find alone?

Join us in uncovering the medicine and the new stories it brings. 

We will guide you through a 4 week process, where we will prepare you , and accompany you in a threshold ritual (which you will hold in your own surroundings). During your journey, the mirror of nature and the heart of the community will guide you towards more clarity and insight. We will support you in connecting more deeply to the natural world around you. You will be joined by other members of a small community to enhance your learnings, and supported by three experienced guides to assist you along the way.

This is a deeply connective and revealing process which can be engaged for any life event / enquiry / challenge or gift that wants to be lived. This is essential medicine for surreal times.

The 4 week process entails:

  • 5 online meetings on Zoom (sharing circles, rituals, input on Deep Ecology, the tradition of Rites of Passages and the 4 Shields Model of Human Nature)
  • 4 meetings with your personal buddy to support each other throughout the process
  • A range of nature connection and Deep Ecology practices for you to do at home
  • Access to a Trello board with shared resources and practices
  • An optional Signal group with all participants and facilitators to stay connected and support each other throughout the process
  • Preparation of and guidance towards your one day Earth Solo Experience in a wild place close to your home
  • One-to-one support session with a trained guide

Flow of the Earth Solo Experience:

Our intention is to create a community that will enter this process together, and be supported throughout the journey. Attendance for all of the following elements is required.


Monday 20th September: 1st Group Call (7-9:30pm CET)

~Our first Community Circle~

Introductions to guides, to participants, delving deeper into some of the supporting material and topics such as Deep and Spiritual Ecology and their modern applications. Take home practices for nature connection to be practiced throughout the following week.

Wednesday 29th September: 2nd Call (7-9.30pm CET)

~Second Community Circle~

We will introduce you to the importance of Rites of Passage in our modern times, the concept of the Vision Quest and playfully explore the model of the Four Directions of Human Nature.

Wednesday 6th October: 3rd Call (7-9:30pm CET)

~Third Community Circle~

We will deepen our container, each share our personal intention with the group, refine these intentions together, and prepare to step over the threshold for our Solo experience which will take place over the following days.

Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th October

~Earth Solo experience~

Over the course of this weekend, in a place of your own choosing, you will enter into your Earth Solo to spend one day alone on the land. This is both a self and co-held experience, which constitutes the core element of the process.

Sunday 10th October: 4th Call (6:30-9:30pm CET)

~Welcome back Ritual~

This call will welcome you back from your Earth Solo to the community. We will share the stories of our experiences, and explore reflections and insights together. You will be guided on how to integrate your experience over the days that follow.

Wednesday 13th October: 5th Call (7-9.30pm CET)

~Integration and Visioning~

Community Check-in, sharing on integration of our experience and process, visioning for future movement, using the Four Shields Model to support us going forward.


You will be buddied up with another participant and we invite you to meet up 4x in between the community calls to support each other throughout the journey.

Upon registration, you will receive a Welcome Pack with introductory reading material to the learnings and practices, as well as a guided meditation and the invitation to begin cultivating your intention for your journey.




250 EUR: Supported Price
*for students, low waged, or those experiencing challenging living circumstances

350 EUR: Regular price

450 EUR: Supporter Price
*for those with ample financial means, which allows others with less means to participate

If money is an issue, but you long for this Medicine in your life, you can apply for a bursary via the application form. We hope to offer at least 1 bursary place, and will assess all bursary applicants before making a decision.

A deposit of 30 EUR is required to secure your spot, and is non-refundable.


Application process

To take part in the Deep Dive into Nature and Self you can apply here until September 5th:

If you have any questions, please send a message to: chamaicentre@gmail.com


Cancellation policy

Cancellation must be made in writing (by email). The participation fee will be reimbursed fully if your cancellation is made up to the registration deadline (September 5th, 2021). If you cancel later than that up until a day before the start of the course a cancellation fee of 50% of the participation fee will be charged. In the event of cancellation one day prior or on the day of the event, the total cost must be paid.


Facilitation team

Sophie Vandenkerchove

Sophie is a lover of the wild, within and without. She has followed training as a Wilderness Rites of passage Guide at the School of Lost Borders in California. She also has been practicing Zen meditation in the Korean tradition for several years, and has received initiation into Druidry and Celtic Shamanism.
Sophie grew up in the forests of the Belgian Ardennes, where she nurtured a strong connection to the land of her ancestors as a kid. After roaming wild places in the cities, she moved back to her village with a strong dedication to offer her life to the well-being and healing of this land. Out of this, Chamai came into existence: a nature-based learning centre in Belgium, where she offers residential workshops and experiential journeys in and with Nature.

In her work, she always interweaves the power of ceremony with her soulful love for nature and people. She is passionate about pilgrimages, solo time in nature, silent retreats and all those experiences that bring together a good balance of adventure, presence and gentleness.


Carolin Goethel

Carolin is a community weaver and facilitator. Drawing on her anthropological studies, her work in leadership education and her passion for deep ecology, she’s developed a varied toolbox to support other humans to deeply connect to themselves, each other and their natural environment.

The profound experience of her own vision quest sparked her desire to guide others on this journey. She has since then been studying eco-soul centric philosophies and practices with the Animas Valley Institute. Carolin has always been inspired by indigenous ways of being and seeks to infuse her work with the values of interconnectedness and reciprocity.

Jenny O’Hare

Jenny is a Deep Ecologist who has come through a journey of Earth Sciences and Ecological Conservation to focus more deeply on the intersection of the human psyche and soul with the rest of the living world. What is the relationship that is constantly playing out, and how can that relationship become ever more reciprocal and nourishing? She has completed Nature Resonance trainings, a fellowship in Spiritual Ecology, and holds certification in both Eco-Therapy and Solo Nature Experiences. Her own relationship with the living world has always been her ultimate sense of belonging, and she is passionate about inviting others into, and sharing in that belonging.




« The mixture of online support, sharing and activities and the physical reality of my solo adventure created a miraculous harmony and a deeply opening and transformative experience for me. While we only met online there was a deep feeling and celebration of connectedness in the group which supported us all and encouraged our individual initiatives and adventures. Carolin, Sophie and Jenny brought a freshness and joy to our encounters and their different approaches seemed to come together and integrate into a beautiful whole which supported us all deeply. I hope I can work with them again. »


« Sophie, Jenny and Carolin had the courage to guide people through a solo in nature from a distance, online, … This experience shows again that even in full Covid times, a lot is possible with courage and creativity. Nature is out there to talk to us, to mirror our blind spots, to guide us and give us space. Facilitating this is a humble process that these 3 beautiful women did in a most authentic way. Thank you! »


« Try it, you will be a better person afterwards! »


20 septembre 2021 @ 19:00
13 octobre 2021 @ 21:30